Entertainment Lifting Rig – Newcastle University

Hear from Pacific Hoists about the Entertaining Lifting Rig and how we helped install them at Newcastle University.

IWR Lifting needed a solution for Newcastle University’s entertainment lifting rig. GB Electrical teamed up with Pacific Hoists’ technical team to provide a lifting solution. We used four Pacific Porta Hoists via 1 JUUKO radio remote control. The products were sold through IWR Lifting with installation being carried out by GB Electrical.

Our Pacific Porta Hoists are manufactured and tested to comply to Australian standards AS1418-2. The hoists are each rated and certified to their individual rated capacity. The purpose of the lift is to provide additional support and stability over the four points on the camera and lighting rig. This results in a much safer environment for all involved.

GBE Group Newcastle Electricians: Entertainment Rig at Newcastle University

Pacific Porta Hoist Benefits:

  • Fitted with RUD European grade 80 zinc plated load chains which meets both EN818 European and AUS compliance.
  • Raise and lower limit switches, preventing them being overrun by the operator.
  • Failsafe mechanical brakes.
  • Overload protection that prevents the operator lifting loads above the rated capacity.
  • Dual speed motor providing the operator precise and controlled lifting and lowering.

Optional: JUUKO Remote Control

  • Exceeds the AUS and NZ safety requirements.
  • One radio remote that can control all 4 hoists in synchronisation or in any combination. This provides the safest method of control that allows the operator full field of vision and not being tethered to the machine as is the case with conventional hard-wired pendants.
  • Dual channel prevents any third-party frequency interference.
  • Range control can set operators control distance.
  • Hand remote can be set up with unique password entry to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Control pro software can provide data feedback of handset misuse, hour meter, number of operations used, and auto switch off.

Do you have a similar project that needs attention? Or want to find out more? Get in touch today!