Safety Management


GBE Group carries out our electrical works to AS3000 and local service rules. All statutory testing is carried out to the required Australian Standards and WorkCover requirements.

Our employees are trained and made aware of applicable standards and codes of practice.

Australian Standards and Codes of Practice are kept in our office library and on our online Service Management System. This is as per our safety and Management System requirements.


At GBE Group P/L our objective is to create a workplace in which everybody can work without being harmed as a result of our activities or operations.    

  • Fostering a culture of positive health and safety based on care and respect for each other. 
  • Identifying, assessing, and managing health and safety risks that may arise in our operations.
  • Reporting, managing, and learning from all injuries, illnesses, and incidents.
  • Managing our operations in compliance with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and statutory requirements.
  • Managing our operations in a manner that prevents health and safety impacts in our surrounding communities, the prevention of pollution and the protection of the environment.
  • To continuously monitor and improve our systems and processes and maintain compliance with the AS/NZS ISO9001:2008 & AS/NZS ISO14001:2004 Management Systems policy statement.
  • Providing the leadership, training and coaching required to perform all work safely.
  • Encouraging and supporting our people to participate in programs which enhance their health and well-being.

The health and safety objective of GB Electrical Contractors P/L is to continually improve its health and safety performance by the application of risk assessment, control measures and procedures and improving its health and safety management systems through review and the promotion of a positive health culture. 

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis. 

Complete endorsement, active participation and enthusiastic co-operation with these programs will underpin our strong commitment to health and safety.

The Management of GB Electrical Contractors P/L place the highest priority on the health, safety and welfare of all persons employed at GB Electrical Contractors P/L and any person visiting our premises. 


Noel Arnold & Associates provide Cm3 Contractor Safety Management. They are one of Australia’s leading specialists in occupational health and safety risk management.

Cm3 addresses the need for both contractors; and the organisations they conduct work for to demonstrate contractor health and safety management capabilities, along with providing assistance for organisations to better manage their contractors around health and safety requirements.